Provincial Gambling Board South Africa

  1. Provincial Gambling Board South Africa News24
  2. Provincial Gambling Board South Africa Contact Details
  3. Provincial Gambling Board South Africa Official
Provincial Gambling Board South Africa
  1. With these objectives from the DED mind, the strategic goal of the Gauteng Gambling Board is: “To promote an efficient, equitable and socially responsible business environment.” In support of the Gauteng Gambling Board’s strategic goal, the focus was on the following strategic outcomes-oriented goals: Increased monitoring of B-BBEE compliance.
  2. The current laws in South Africa allow gambling. After the new Constitution was adopted, the country was dividing into 9 provinces. Each of these 9 provinces now has its own gambling and racing board, which function more or less like gambling commissions.
  3. This Act sets out the competencies of the national and provincial gambling Boards with respect to the regulation and control of gambling and racing in South Africa. This Act, together with the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act and the respective Regulations Western Cape Gambling and Racing BoardStrategic Plan 2020-2025˚ 11.

Contact Details

Provincial gambling board south africa contact details

Overview The mission of the National Gambling Board South Africa (NGB) is to lead the regulation of the gambling industry in the fulfillment of the National Gambling Act (NGA) 7 of 2004 through an effectively regulated and supervised gambling industry that upholds domestic, continental and internationally recognised standards of compliance.

PostalPrivate Bag X27, Hatfield, 0028
Physical420 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Eco Glades 2, Block C, Eco Park, Centurion, 0144
Tel010 003 3475
Fax086 618 5729


The mission of the National Gambling Board South Africa (NGB) is to lead the regulation of the gambling industry in the fulfillment of the National Gambling Act (NGA) 7 of 2004 through an effectively regulated and supervised gambling industry that upholds domestic, continental and internationally recognised standards of compliance. Provincial Gambling Board South Africa

Overseeing Department/Entity

Provincial Gambling Board South Africa


The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.

Contact Details

Provincial Gambling Board South Africa

Provincial Gambling Board South Africa News24

PostalPrivate Bag X27, Hatfield, 0028
Physical420 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Eco Glades 2, Block C, Eco Park, Centurion, 0144
Tel010 003 3475
Fax086 618 5729


The mission of the National Gambling Board South Africa (NGB) is to lead the regulation of the gambling industry in the fulfillment of the National Gambling Act (NGA) 7 of 2004 through an effectively regulated and supervised gambling industry that upholds domestic, continental and internationally recognised standards of compliance.

Provincial Gambling Board South Africa Contact Details

Overseeing Department/Entity


Provincial Gambling Board South Africa Official

The information in this directory is compiled from various sources and is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.