Statewide Legalized Gambling

Georgia Committee Pushes Legalized Gambling on Statewide Tour Economic Development Committee discussing casinos, sports betting, horse racing with locals The goal is to get a voter referendum in Georgia on the November 2020 ballot regarding gambling So far, local officials seem to be on board with the possibility of legalized gambling in the state. Statewide regulation of gaming sites could also help with identifying problem gambling early on. About 3% of U.S. Adults suffer from a gambling disorder. Offshore gambling sites do offer resources for problem gambling, but since they are located overseas it is impossible to have a hands-on approach.

Call for legalization in the state

North Carolina legalized in-person sports betting in July 2019 for two tribal casinos in the western portion of the state, but both are still working towards opening their respective sportsbooks. While that bill did not permit any mobile wagering, the state is expected to consider statewide mobile wagering in 2021. It all started in 1931 when Nevada legalized most forms of gambling. But it took a few decades to take root. After World War II, when enforcement of gambling laws became stricter in other parts of the country, Las Vegas became an attractive target for investment by East Coast crime figures. See full list on

In an effort to push legal gambling, members of the Georgia Economic Development Committee are currently on a statewide “listening tour” to provide information on legalizing the pastime in the state.

The group is traveling throughout Georgia to discuss their thoughts on gambling with the local communities. Their goal is to see a referendum on the November 2020 ballot, with voters being provided with enough information to approve the measure.

The Economic Development Committee is a newly formed group by the state House of Representatives which aims to focus on economic issues facing communities across Georgia.

Positive views on gambling

The committee stopped first in Valdosta, where many local authorities spoke in favor of gambling and recognized its ability to bring new revenues to the state.

lawmakers believe the industry could generate billions for the state

The committee is reviewing three systems for Georgia during the listening tour, namely casinos, horse racing, and sports betting. State officials feel they all serve a different purpose. Lawmakers believe the industry could generate billions for the state via gaming taxes, job creation, new infrastructure, and tourism.

Chairman Representative Allen Powell has estimated that, with just horse racing in play, legalized gambling would create billions for the state’s agriculture. Powell also suggests the gambling industry would create close to 24 employment positions for every race horse that takes part.

state is missing out on funds that could be used to help local communities

According to Powell, residents of Georgia are visiting neighboring states like Alabama or North Carolina or taking boats from Jekyll Island to gamble. The state is missing out on funds that could be used to help local communities.

For Powell, the ideal scenario for the gambling funds would be healthcare. He said: “Across party, across gender, across race, across economic status. If that money, if the people of Georgia legalize it, then the revenues could go to healthcare.”

Constitutional amendment required

Gambling cannot be automatically legalized in the state of Georgia due to the requirement of an amendment to the constitution. Lawmakers must place a voter referendum on the ballot. Voters must then approve the referendum for any change to move forward.

By touring across the state, the Economic Development Committee aims to inform residents – and eligible voters – about the opportunities gambling could provide.

Atlanta sports teams want betting

While the committee is busy with its tour, professional sports teams are pushing for legalized sports betting. According to VSO News, the Atlanta Hawks of the NBA, the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons, the MLB’s Atlanta Braves, and the Atlanta United of the MLS united to create the Georgia Professional Sports Integrity Alliance in support of sports betting.

The group sent a letter to local lawmakers stating that Georgia is the 12th-largest market for illegal sports betting in the US. The alliance feels the black market will not go away and believe lawmakers could create an industry that is above board and transparent.

The alliance was formed because the teams want to advise the legislature if it were to consider drafting sports betting legislation.

  • The Economic Development Committee in Georgia wants to make gambling legal for its residents.
  • Lawmakers have seen the potential revenue that neighboring states have acquired from these markets and realize the benefits for their own economy.
  • Currently, gambling in most forms is prohibited by law in the state.

ATLANTA – Georgia is looking to legalize three forms of gambling statewide: casino games, horse racing, and sports betting.

The committee known as the Economic Development Committee was created by the Georgia House of Representatives in early 2019 in an effort to help the state’s economic situation. The committee is behind the idea of making gambling legal in Georgia.

“We have the honor to not only grow the economy in this community but also improve the quality of life through business revenues and the local taxes that we drive. That, in turn, gets spent in our community and benefits our citizens,” saidSandra Roose at a committee meeting on the issue.

The committee is doing a statewide tour of meetings to various towns in order to inform them of their proposal of gambling legalization and allow them the chance to speak on the topic.

“You can hardly go to Sunday school without hearing who people are betting on,” saidRepresentative Alan Powell.

It is believed that millions of dollars in tax contributions are being lost by not having legalized gambling. Making these three new markets legal in the state could create potential spikes in tourism, more tax money acquired from these new industries, and more jobs to employ residents in need of work.

States Might Turn To Legalized Gambling With Budgets Rocked ...

Powell has said that healthcare would be a great place for revenue from legal wagers to go.

Lawmakers seem to have a positive view on the subject of gambling becoming legal in the state. They are aware that it’s already taking place among the residents of Georgia. While the sportsbooks are not up and running yet, the closest place for Georgia residents to bet any real money would be in North Carolina.

It is the hope that this tour will not only inform the people but also get a better grasp as to what the residents of the state want.

The state would have them vote on the issue before making these activities legal. If all goes according to plan with the committee’s proposal, Georgia could see the legalization of gambling placed on the November 2020 ballot.

Statewide Legalized Gambling States


News tags: Alan Powell Economic Development Committee Georgia Sandra Roose

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Christina has been writing for as long as she can remember and does dedicated research on the newly regulated sports betting market. She comes from a family of sports lovers that engage in friendly bets from time to time. During the winter months, you can find Christina baking cookies and beating the entire staff at Mario Kart…the N64 version of course.